Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Met a stranger

Life was going on as it is and suddenly, someone seemed to be pulling the heart strings, looking at a new face never knew, that it will connect to the soul, reminded of an old wound, talked through heart to the heart, made life bloom again, touched to touch the soul, talked to talk to the heart, never felt like home before being in the arms of someone, suddenly life smiled, couldn't believe its the same life, Like the heart is also fearful, something will change.
It changed, again someone loved and left, again eyes teared and dead, again life is emotionless, yet loving others was never forgotten, why is it that, the one who loves doesn't get it back,why is it that life smiles and still stands still.

Hope makes everything seems destined, but how is it that you are kept from love and named it to be destined, I wish we had our soulmates born with us and met when we start to understand life,so that, no one will live estranged from love ever.